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Foot-Candle Meter


Rectangular metal lightmeter in a case with a leather handle. There is a water and rust-damaged instruction sheet in the lid of the case which names the parts and explains their use. There is also a longer instruction manual that accompanies this instrument. According to the instruction sheet, the instrument consists of a voltmeter, rheostat knob, locking pin, a scale with a hinged metal cover. The rheostat, locking pin, voltmeter, and scale are intended to be accessed from the outside front of the machine when the case is closed. The scale is covered by a metal flap which, when opened, reads “Illumination, Footcandles or lumens per sq. ft.” and measures from 1.2-50 with the value of the increments between marks increasing greatly as the scale progresses to the right (30-50 are marked on the last inch of the scale). There is a circular dial on the lower left of the instrument which reads “Set pointer on arrow” under an arc with arrows pointing off of it reading “1/10” and “2”. The rheostat on the lower right of the case (inside) can be turned or locked in place by a locking pin on the outside.

Accession Number: 2011.psy.60

Alternative Name: Lightmeter

Primary Materials: Metal, glass, leather handle


On the face of instrument dial “G.E.Co. U.S.A, N.P. 15597, Pat’d June 13 ’11 Sep. 28, ’15 Dec. 12, ’16 June 10. ’19”. On the illumination scale “No. 7502”. On the instructions inside the lid of the case “Engineering Department National Lamp Works of General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., NP-17914-A. On the cover of the instruction manual “Edison Lamp Works of General Electric Co, Harrison, NJ. USA”.

Dimensions (cm): Height = 4, Width = 14.5, Length = 20

Function: Measures illumination.


Good. The instrument does not close properly. There are some rusted or corroded areas on the inside, particularly on the case. This could be caused by old batteries that may still be in the battery holder. The instructions on the inside of the case lid are fairly badly damaged and discoloured and should be copied out before they become unreadable. The instruction manual needs to be reinforced. Some of the pages are falling out.

Associated Instruments:


Edison Lamp Works of General Electric Co, Harrison, NJ. USA; Engineering Department National Lamp Works of General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Date of Manufacture:


Department of Psychology, University of Toronto

Additional Information and References:

Historical Notes:
